Monday, September 30, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 11

She's what?† Keller said, coming out of the bathroom, toweling her hair. â€Å"She's sick,† Winnie said. â€Å"Runny nose, little temperature. Looks like a cold. Her mom says she has to stay home from school.† Well, it looks like we're having a run of good luck, Keller thought. It would be much easier to protect her inside the house. Winnie and Nissa had spent the night in Diana's room, while Keller, who was supposed to be asleep on the sofa bed in the family room, wandered the house in between catnaps. She'd asked Galen to stay in the guest room, and he had done just that. â€Å"We can have a quiet day,† she said now to Winnie. â€Å"This is great-as long as she gets well for Saturday.† Winnie grimaced. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Um-you'd better go in and talk to her yourself.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"You'd just better go. She wants to talk to you.† Keller started toward Diana's room. She said over her shoulder, â€Å"Check the wards.† â€Å"I know, Boss.† Iliana was sitting up in bed, wearing a frilly nightgown that actually seemed to have a ribbon woven into the lace at the neck. She looked fragile and beautiful, and there was a delicate flush on her cheeks from the fever. â€Å"How're you feeling?† Keller said, making her voice gentle. â€Å"Okay.† Iliana modified it with a shrug that meant fairly rotten. â€Å"I just wanted to see you, you know, and say good-bye.† Keller blinked, still rubbing her hair with the towel. She wasn't crazy about water, especially not in her ears. â€Å"Say good-bye?† â€Å"Before you go.† â€Å"What, you think I'm going to school for you?† â€Å"No. Before you go.† Keller stopped toweling and focused. â€Å"Iliana, what are you talking about?† Tm talking about you guys leaving. Because I'm not the Wild Power.† Keller sat down on the bed and said flatly, â€Å"What?† Diana's eyes were that hazy iris color again. She looked, in her own way, as annoyed as Keller felt. â€Å"Well, I thought that was obvious. I can't be the Wild Power. I don't have the blue fire-or whatever.† She tacked the last words on. â€Å"Diana, don't play the dumb blond with me right now, or I'll have to kill you.† Diana just stared at her, picking at the coverlet with her fingers. â€Å"You guys made a mistake. I don't have any power, and I'm not the person you're looking for. Don't you think you ought to go out and look for the real Wild Power before the bad guys find her?† â€Å"Diana, just because you couldn't stop that car doesn't mean that you don't have power. It could just be that you don't know how to tap into it yet.† â€Å"It could be. You're admitting that you're not sure.† â€Å"Nobody can be absolutely sure. Not until you demonstrate it.† â€Å"And that's what I can't do. You probably think I didn't really try, Keller. But I did. I tried so hard.† Diana's eyes went distant with agonized memory. â€Å"I was standing there, looking down, and I suddenly thought, I can do it! I actually thought I felt the power, and that I knew how to use it. But then when I reached for it, there was nothing there. I tried so hard, and I wanted it to work so much†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Diana's eyes filled, and there was a look on her face that struck Keller to the heart. Then she shook her head and looked back at Keller. â€Å"It wasn't there. I know that. I'm certain.† ‘It has to be there,† Keller said. â€Å"Circle Daybreak has been investigating this ever since they found that prophecy. ‘One from the hearth that still holds the spark.' They've tracked down all the other Harmans and checked them. It has to be you.† â€Å"Then maybe it's somebody you haven't found yet. Some other lost witch. But it's not me.† She was completely adamant and genuinely convinced. Keller could see it in her eyes. She had managed to vault back into denial in a whole new way. â€Å"So I know you'll be leaving,† Iliana went on. â€Å"And, actually, I'll really miss you.† She blinked away tears again. â€Å"I suppose you don't believe that.† â€Å"Oh, I believe it,† Keller said tiredly, staring at an exquisite gold-and-white dresser across the room. â€Å"I really like you guys. But I know what you're doing is important.† â€Å"Well, is it okay with you if we just hang around for a little while longer?† Keller asked heavily. â€Å"Just until we see the light and realize you're not the Wild Power?† Iliana frowned. â€Å"Don't you think it's a waste of time?† â€Å"Maybe. But I don't make those decisions. I'm just a grunt.† â€Å"Don't you treat me like a dumb blond.† Keller opened her mouth, lifted her hands, then dropped them. What she wanted to say was, How can I help it when you're determined to be such a nincompoop? But that wasn't going to get them anywhere. â€Å"Look, Iliana. I really do have to stay until I get orders to go, all right?† Keller said, looking at her. â€Å"So you're just going to have to bear with us for a little while longer.† She stood up, feeling as if a weight had fallen on her. They were back to square one. Or maybe not quite. â€Å"Besides, what about Galen?† she said, turning back at the door. â€Å"Do you want him to go?† Diana looked confused. Her cheeks got even pinker. â€Å"I don't†¦ I mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"If you're not the Wild Power, you're not the Witch Child,† Keller went on ruthlessly. â€Å"And you know that Galen has to promise himself to the Witch Child.† Iliana was breathing quickly now. She gulped and stared at the window. She bit her lip. She really is in love with him, Keller thought. And she knows it. â€Å"Just something to keep in mind,† she said, and went out the door. â€Å"Did you get any info on the license plate?† Nissa shook her head. â€Å"Not yet. They'll call us when they have anything. And a courier brought this.† She handed Keller a box. It was the size of a shirt box but very sturdy. â€Å"The scrolls?† â€Å"I think so. There are wards on it, so we have to get Winnie to open it.† They had a chance after breakfast. Mrs. Dominick took the baby and went out shopping. Keller didn't worry too much about her. Just as Jaime was now being watched by Circle Daybreak agents, any members of Iliana's family who left the safety of the wards would be followed for their own protection. They sat around the kitchen table-except for Iliana, who refused to join them and sat in the family room in front of the TV. She had a box of tissues, and every few minutes she would apply one to her nose. â€Å"Before you open that,† Keller said to Winnie, â€Å"how are the wards around the house?† â€Å"They're fine. Intact and strong. I don't think anybody's even tried to mess with them.† Galen said, â€Å"I wonder why.† Keller looked at him quickly. It was just what she had been wondering herself. â€Å"Maybe it has something to do with what happened yesterday. And that's the other thing I want to talk about. I want to hear everybody's opinions. Who was in that car-Night Person or human? Why did they try to run over Jaime? And what are we going to do about it?† â€Å"You go first,† Winnie said. â€Å"I think you had the best view of it.† â€Å"Well, I wasn't the only one,† Keller said. â€Å"There was someone else beside me.† She looked toward the living room. Iliana made a show of ignoring her completely. Keller turned back. â€Å"But anyway, simplest first Let's say the car was from the Night World. They cruised down the street in front of the school once before coming back. It's perfectly possible that they saw Iliana standing at the window. Maybe they were trying to determine for sure that she was the Wild Power. If she'd stopped the car, they'd have had solid proof.† â€Å"On the other hand,† Nissa said, â€Å"they must be pretty sure she's the Wild Power. After all, it's really beyond question.† She was looking earnestly at Keller, but she spoke loudly enough for Iliana to hear everything distinctly. Keller smiled with her eyes. â€Å"True. Okay, more ideas. Winnie.† â€Å"Uh-night.† Winnie sat up straighter. â€Å"The car was from the Night World, and they weren't actually trying to run over Jaime. They were going to snatch her because they somehow knew she'd been with us, and they figured she might have some information they could use.† â€Å"Nice try,† Keller said. â€Å"But you were over by the door. You didn't see the way that car was driving. No way they were planning to grab her.† â€Å"I agree,† Galen said. â€Å"They were going too fast, and they were heading right for her. They meant to kill.† Winnie dropped her chin into her hands. â€Å"Oh, well, fine. It was just an idea.† ‘It brings up something interesting, though,† Nissa said thoughtfully. â€Å"What if the car was from the Night World, and they knew Iliana was watching, but they weren't trying to get her to demonstrate her power? What if they were just trying to intimidate her? Show what they were capable of, by lolling her friend right in front of her eyes? If they knew how close she and Jaime were-â€Å" â€Å"How?† Keller interrupted. â€Å"Lots of ways,† Nissa said promptly. â€Å"If they haven't snooped around that high school and talked to other kids, their intelligence system is worse than I think. Ill go farther. If they don't know that Jaime was in that music room with us yesterday at lunch, they ought to turn in their spy badges.† ‘If that's true, then maybe it's even simpler than we think,† Galen said. â€Å"The law says that any human who finds out about us has to die. Maybe the car was from the Night World, and they didn't know that Iliana was watching-or they didn't care. They thought Jaime knew the secret, and they just wanted to carry out a good, old-fashioned Night World execution.† â€Å"And maybe the car wasn't from the Night World!† Iliana yelled suddenly, jumping off the family room couch. She wasn't even pretending not to listen anymore, Keller noted. â€Å"Did any of you ever think of that? Maybe the car just belonged to some crazed juvenile delinquents and it's all a massive coincidence! Well? Did you think of that?† She stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at all of them. The effect was somewhat diluted because she was wearing a frilly nightgown with a flannel robe over it and slippers with teddy bear heads on them. Keller stood up, too. She wanted to be patient and make the most of this opportunity. But she never seemed to have much control where Iliana was concerned. â€Å"We've thought of it. Circle Daybreak is trying to check on it-whether the car's registered to a human or a Night Person. But you're asking for a lot of coincidence, aren't you? How often do people deliberately run each other over in this town? What are the chances that you just happened to be watching when one of them did it?† She felt Galen nudge her ankle with his foot. With an effort, she shut up. â€Å"Why don't you come over here and talk with us about it?† he said to Iliana in his gentle way. â€Å"Even if you're not the Wild Power, you're still involved. You know a lot about what's been going on, and you've got a good mind. We need all the help we can get.† Keller saw Winnie glance at him sharply when he said the bit about Iliana having a good mind. But she didn't say anything. Iliana looked a little startled herself. But then she picked up the box of tissues and slowly came to the kitchen table. â€Å"I don't think well when I'm sick,† she said. Keller sat down. She didn't want to undo what Galen had accomplished. â€Å"So where does that leave us?† she asked, and then answered her own question. â€Å"Nowhere, really. It could be any of those scenarios or none of them. We may need to wait for whatever Circle Daybreak comes up with.† Keller looked around the table grimly. â€Å"And that's dangerous,† she said. â€Å"Assuming it was the Night World that sent that car, they're up to something that we don't understand. They could attack us at any moment, from any direction, and we can't anticipate them. I need for all of you to be on your guard. If anything suspicious happens, even the fittest thing, I want you to tell me.† â€Å"It still bothers me that they haven't even tried to get in here,† Galen said. â€Å"No matter how strong the wards are, they should at least be trying.† Keller nodded. She had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach about that. â€Å"They may be laying some kind of a trap somewhere else, and they may be so confident that well fall into it that they can afford to wait.† â€Å"Or it could be that they know I'm not the one,† Hiana chimed in sweetly. â€Å"And they're off kidnapping the real Wild Power while you guys are wasting your time here.† She blew her nose. Keller gritted her teeth and felt a pain in her jaw that was getting familiar. â€Å"Or it could be that we just don't understand dragons,† she said, possibly with more force than was necessary. She and Diana locked stares. â€Å"You guys, you guys,† Winnie said nervously. â€Å"Um, maybe it's time we opened this.† She touched the box Circle Daybreak had sent. Diana's eyes shifted to it with something like involuntary interest. Keller could see why. The box had the mysterious allure of a Christmas present. â€Å"Go ahead,† she told Winnie. It took a while. Winnie did witchy things with a bag of herbs and some talismans, while everyone watched intently and Diana mopped her nose and sniffled. At last, very carefully, Winnie lifted the top of the box off. Everyone leaned forward. Piled inside were dozens and dozens of pieces of parchment. Not entire scrolls but scraps of them, each encased in its own plastic sleeve. Keller recognized the writing†-it was the old language of the shapeshifters. She'd learned it as a child, because Circle Daybreak wanted her to keep in touch with her heritage. But it had been a long time since she'd had to translate it. Diana sneezed and said almost reluctantly, â€Å"Cool pictures.† There were cool pictures. Most of the scraps had three or four tiny illustrations, and some of them had only pictures and no writing. The inks were red and purple and deep royal blue, with details in gold leaf. Keller spread some of the plastic sleeves across the table. â€Å"Okay, people. The idea is to find something that will show us how to fight the dragon, or at least something to tell us how he might attack. The truth is that we don't even know what he can do, except for the black energy he used on me.† â€Å"Um, I can't read this, you know,† Diana pointed out with excessive politeness. â€Å"So look at the pictures,† Keller said sweetly. â€Å"Try to find something where a dragon is fighting a person-or, even better, getting killed by one.† â€Å"How do I know which one's the dragon?† It was an amazingly good question. Keller blinked and looked at Galen. â€Å"Well, actually, I don't know. I don't know if anybody knows how to tell a dragon from another Night Person.† â€Å"The one in the mall-Azhdeha-had opaque black eyes,† Keller said. â€Å"You could tell when you looked into them. But I don't suppose that's going to show up on a parchment like this. Why don't you just look for something with dark energy around it?† Iliana made a tiny noise that in someone less delicate would have been called a snort. But she took a pile of the scraps and began poring over them. â€Å"Okay,† Keller said. â€Å"Now, the rest of us-â€Å" But she never got to finish. The phone on the kitchen wall shrilled. Everyone glanced up toward it, and Iliana started to stand, but there was no second ring. After a long moment of silence, it rang again-once. â€Å"Circle Daybreak,† Keller said. â€Å"Nissa, call them back.† Keller tried not to fidget as Nissa obeyed. It wasn't just that she was hoping against hope that there was useful information about the car. For some reason she couldn't define, that very first ring of the phone had made her feel unsettled. The early warning system of the shapeshifters. It had saved her life before, by giving her a hint of danger. But for what was about to happen now, it was entirely useless. â€Å"Nissa Johnson here. Code word: Angel Rescue,† Nissa said, and Keller saw Diana's eyebrows go up. â€Å"Yes, I'm listening. What?† Suddenly, her face changed. â€Å"What do you mean, am I sitting down?† Pause. â€Å"Look, Paulie, just tell me whatever-â€Å" And then her face changed again, and she did something Keller had never seen Nissa do. She gasped and brought a quick hand up to her mouth. â€Å"Oh, Goddess, no!† Keller's heart was pounding, and there was a boulder of ice in her stomach. She found herself on her feet without any memory of standing. Nissa's light brown eyes were distant, almost blank. Her other hand clutched the receiver. â€Å"How?† Then she shut her eyes. â€Å"Oh, no.† And finally, very softly, â€Å"Goddess help us.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Invalid’s Story Notes

The Invalid's Story by Mark Twain a. k. a. Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) * Seems sixty and married * Really a 41 year old bachelor * two years ago he was â€Å"a man of iron, a very athlete† * Lost his health by helping take care of a box of guns on a two-hundred-mile journey by railway one night in winter * belongs in Cleveland, Ohio reached home after dark, in a snow-storm, and heard that his dearest boyhood friend and schoolmate, John B. Hackett, had died the day before * last utterance was a desire that I would take his body to his father and mother in Wisconsin * card marked â€Å"Deacon Levi Hackett, Bethlehem, Wisconsin† * long white-pine box fastened the card to it with tacks then put it aboard the express car then ran to the eating-room for a sandwich and some cigars * He came back and there was â€Å"a young fellow examining around it, with a card in his hands, and some tacks and a hammer† * a mistake was made and it turns out he was carrying off a box of guns which that young fellow had come to ship to a rifle company in Peoria, Illinois, and the young man had got John B. Hackett’s dead body * sat on a bale of buckets expressman – plain man of fifty, with a simple, honest, good-natured face, and a breezy, practical heartiness in his general style * package of peculiarly mature and capable Limburger cheese on one end of my coffin-box (box of guns) * at the time he had never heard of the cheese in my life and thus was ignorant of its character * â€Å"slammed his sliding doors to, and bolted them, closed his window down tight, and then went bustling around, here and there and yonder, setting things to rights, and all the time contentedly humming â€Å"Sweet By and By,† in a low tone, and flatting a good deal† * began to detect an odor on the frozen air every minute the odor thickened more and became more gamey and hard to stand * the expressman got some wood and made fire in his stove. * Thompson (the expre ssman) * felt himself growing pale and qualmish but said nothing. * â€Å"Pfew! I reckon it ain't no cinnamon ‘t I've loaded up thish-yer stove with! † * â€Å"Sometimes it's uncertain whether they're really gone or not,–seem gone, you know–body warm, joints limber–and so, although you think they're gone, you don't really know. I've had cases in my car. It's perfectly awful, becuz you don't know what minute they'll rise up and look at you! Then, after a pause, and slightly lifting his elbow toward the box, — â€Å"But he ain't in no trance! No, sir, I go bail for him! † * â€Å"Well-a-well, we've all got to go, they ain't no getting around it. Man that is born of woman is of few days and far between, as Scriptur' says. Yes, you look at it any way you want to, it's awful solemn and cur'us: they ain't nobody can get around it; all's got to go–just everybody, as you may say. One day you're hearty and strong and next day he's cut down like the grass, and the places which knowed him then knows him no more forever, as Scriptur' says.Yes'ndeedy, it's awful solemn and cur'us; but we've all got to go, one time or another; they ain't no getting around it. † * Had been dead 2 or 3 days * â€Å"Two or three years, you mean. † * They were heliotrope to him * Narrator suggested cigars * Thompson referred to the corpse by various titles, military ones, civil ones and as the stench grew, Thompson would give him a bigger title * Thompson said they should move the corpse about ten feet away * â€Å"we took in a good fresh breath at the broken pane, calculating to hold it till we got through; then we went there and bent over that deadly cheese and took a grip on the box.Thompson nodded â€Å"All ready,† and then we threw ourselves forward with all our might; but Thompson slipped, and slumped down with his nose on the cheese, and his breath got loose. He gagged and gasped, and floundered up and made a b reak for the door, pawing the air and saying hoarsely, â€Å"Don't hender me! –gimme the road! I'm a-dying; gimme the road! † Out on the cold platform I sat down and held his head a while, and he revived. * we hadn't budged the dead body * Thompson got carboy of carbolic acid from a station he drenched everything with it, rifle-box, cheese and all * the two perfumes began to mix and they had to leave the car * waltzed back and forth, freezing, and thawing, and stifling by turns * about an hour and they stopped at another station and Thompson came in with a bag * â€Å"He had brought a lot of chicken feathers, and dried apples, and leaf tobacco, and rags, and old shoes, and sulphur, and asafoetida, and one thing or another; and he, piled them on a breadth of sheet iron in the middle of the floor, and set fire to them. * the original smell stood up out of it just as sublime as ever * other smells just gave it a better hold * Thompson got suffocated and fell and before t he Narrator dragged Thompson out by the collar the Narrator was near gone * â€Å"Typhoid fever is what's going to come of this. † taken from the platform an hour later at the next station * Narrator went into a virulent fever, and knew nothing again for three weeks * He found out that he had spent that awful night with a box of rifles and cheese * the news was too late to save him because â€Å"imagination had done its work, and his health was permanently shattered† * Bermuda or any other land could bring his health back * His last trip because he is on his way home to die.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Payroll Accounting Project

CHAPTER 7 Note to Instructors Depending upon the availability of time and your goals in teaching the payroll accounting course, you may use the Payroll Project in one of several ways: 1. Assign only the preparation of payroll registers and posting to employees’ earnings records. 2. Assign (1) plus recording the entries in the general journal and posting to the general ledger. 3. Assign (1) and (2) plus completion of the quarterly tax reports. 4. Assign the complete project. . Appendix A uses the same practice set with the computer-assisted approach. If students are completing the project using Appendix A, it would be helpful to have them complete one of the payrolls manually. This would provide a better understanding of the operations that are being performed by the computer. Chapter 7 consists of a simulation, or practice set, for payroll accounting. Students will apply the knowledge acquired in this course to practical payroll situations.This simulation is a culmination of t he information presented in the textbook. Learning Objectives After completing the simulation, students should be able to: 1. Prepare payroll registers. 2. Maintain employees’ earnings records. 3. Journalize and post payroll and payroll tax entries. 4. Complete federal, state, and city tax deposit forms and journalize the transactions. 5. Prepare various quarter-end and year-end payroll tax forms. 6.Make the accrual entries for the payroll at the end of a year. Payroll Project Solution (p. 7–24) JOURNAL 20– Oct. 9 Payroll Cash 12 11,058. 80 Cash 11 11,058. 80 Oct. 9 Administrative Salaries 51 2,307. 69 Office Salaries 52 3,353. 08 Sales Salaries 53 3,600. 00 Plant Wages 54 4,902. 00 FICA Taxes Payable—OASDI 20. 1 878. 09 FICA Taxes Payable—HI 20. 2 205. 37 Employees FIT Payable 24 1,012. 00 Employees SIT Payable 25 434. 82 Employees SUTA Payable 25. 1 11. 33†¦ [continues]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Driving and texting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Driving and texting - Research Paper Example Checking of the emails in smart phones among the US citizens is a rampant incident that leads to destructive driving. Driving as well as texting at the same time can be very dangerous to the lives of individuals for it can cause many accidents. Institutions that is responsible for enacting laws to put this act to stop by coming up with guidelines to the use of phones while driving. Laws, rules and procedures need to be used to illegalize the act of driving while texting to keep save the lives of persons from accidents (Jaytay). Using of mobile phones does distract drivers in many ways of which it includes; physical destruction, instead of paying much attention the physical tasks that are required while driving. Gear changing and steering are the physical tasks that an individual need to concentrate on while driving. The driver has to use one or both of their hands to operate the phone. The next distraction is the visual destruction. Mobile phones distract an individual while driving in two ways. That is the driver has to move their eyes to and from the road and concentrate on the text. Secondly, while operating the phone, the eyes should be on the road and hence are not properly positioned to the road thus causing accidents (Darden). Sound is another form of distraction caused by texting. Here, attention will move from the road and directed to the sounds of the emails and messages that enter the phone. It normally applies when the phones sound is of poor quality. In addition, some people are cognitively distracted during the process of texting. In this case, thoughts of the driver diverted from the road and redirected into the conversation that is going on the phone (Evans). All the forms of destruction by mobile phones are the highest cause of accidents in various roads, and the most affected generation is the youthful generation. In other states, restrictions are major to minors and individuals who just acquired the license. Other institutions

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managing Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Managing Markets - Essay Example One of the top ten leading financial investing companies in the world is the Barclays Banks and their investors. It is financial institutional investor company and a large liaison which can be traced back to a self-effacing business founded more than three hundred years ago in the heart of London’s financial region. It is a UK-based financial services group connected principally in banking, investment banking and investment organization. In terms of market capitalization Barclays is one of the top ten leading banks in the globe. A primary UK retail and industry bank, it also offers corresponding global services to international corporations and financial institutions globally. It has been engaged in banking for over years and functions in over sixty countries with more than 76,200 employees. On June 30, 2004, the group attained a pre-tax profit of 2,411 million pounds. Investors’ funds were 17.1 billion pounds and the Tier 1 assets relative amount was 7.7 % (Barclays Global Investors, 2004). It is also engrossed in societal educational associations, situation, arts, disability and social insertion. Nowadays, Barclays has full-grown from a group of English companies to a global bank symbolized in Europe, Middle East , United States of America, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, and Australasia. Barclays Bank is one of the world’s biggest asset managers and a top global provider of investment organization products and services (Barclays Global Investors, 2004). It provides structured investment methods such as indexing which is regard as to be submissive and yet is being covenant with vigorous investors, strategic asset distribution and risk-controlled active products. It also offers connected investment services such as cash management, securities lending and portfolio conversion services. Moreover, Barclays Banks is the product and service leader in Exchange Traded Funds (ishares), with over 100 funds for financial

NFTS,exfs2,extfs3 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NFTS,exfs2,extfs3 - Article Example NTFS, on the other hand, is very useful in the event where file systems are needed in sharing files with newer Windows systems. Journaling improves data integrity and recovery, especially after unclean system shutdowns. This avoids file system checks which take so long during the next reboot following an unintended shutdown. This is because the changes that occurred since the most recent write to disk are saved and ready to be restored. Journaled file systems guarantee fast crash recovery. The journaled file system also makes it faster to scan a partition and restore a system once the system has failed, unlike non-journaled file systems that take so long. Journaled file system also ensures better performance. A journaled file system is faster due to its codes that are highly optimized (Negus & Caen, 2008). Journaled file systems are usually slower than other file systems. The slowdown is a result of the many operations that have to be performed on the journal every time there is a file system change (EMC Education Services, 2012). Journaled file systems such as Ext.3 have become important especially in Linux distributions, and knowledge of the file system is applied in recovering evidence such as deleted files and file activity. A forensic investigator will, therefore, use the first mode, called the journal to obtain the information pertaining to the activity of the file system. This facilitates the recovery of file content, with an added advantage of recovering metadata activity on the file system (Easttom, 2011). In conclusion, journaling of file systems has proved to offer more advantages, thus the suitability in forensics and investigations. Its suitability in the restoration of systems after unintended shutdowns has been a great

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Certified fitness trainer (Question5) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Certified fitness trainer (Question5) - Essay Example Secondly, you must also work out the core and abdominal muscles to strengthen them up. The media and magazines are pushing these myths because over a period of time people have become accustomed to taking it for absolute truth. They continue exercising in the same way and get the same result. Also so that people don’t fall prey to these myths and their efforts are not wasted or worse still detrimental to their health. Let us analyze the first fallacy - a result is no guarantee that it is beneficial to a person in the long run. For instance, if we perform countless sit-ups every day we will see a difference at the end of the period. So we assume that the exercise works since we can see a result, but do we really benefit from having stronger, tightened abdominal muscles? Or have we just got tightened muscles that will put Das 2 undue stress on our frame? Will it make any difference to our performance? Are we feeling stronger or are we just feeling tightness in an over-active mus cle? This is the second fallacy. Therefore, articles and advertisements on the internet and in magazines should depict different health and exercise myths and provide factually accurate fitness and health advice based on scientific reasoning to spread the awareness and to enhance performance. It should tell us the right way of exercising and its effect. Das 3 Works Cited Busy Woman’s Guide To Health & Fitness.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Duties and responsibilities of a US sailor Essay

Duties and responsibilities of a US sailor - Essay Example No other branch of the forces can beat the fury of these sailors’ binge drinking. However, their hard work and commitment to achieve their goals is well established. Responsibilities are given to a US sailor as early as in a boot camp. He is expected to learn to stand guard watch, and be responsible of any event that occurs within his area. There are Eleven General Orders that are Sentry-shaped to give an understanding of what being a U.S sailor means, responsible for equipment worth millions of dollars and many lives. The General Orders are the guiding principles of the responsibilities of a sailor, whether he is in boot camp, on the very first sail or finishing a 30-year career (Cutler, 2005). A U.S navy sailor must be always ready to come forward and take leadership roles, as an efficient concept of accomplishing his or her most basic responsibility of defending the State. When a certain task is given to a sailor, it is upon him to see that the task is accomplished precisely, rather than assuming that some other sailor will do it. In addition, a sailor should not drift through his time while in the navy. Each one of them must pay attention to all details no matter how small the matter may be. According to their guiding principles, attention to any detail may signify the difference between failure or success of a given task, and between life and death. A sailor is not expected to play favorites or put into effect the rules without considering honesty and neutrality. Permitting some sailors to ignore other rules will bring challenges in the field. Integrity in the Navy also requires that a sailor hold on to his or her responsibility no matter what comes on his or her way. This is the reason why their regulations provide that no sailor should quit in simple tasks. With this in mind, a sailor can never give up, even when he sees a likelihood of death, while carrying on his duties. In the Navy, a team is much greater than any individual sailor is. Given

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gambling and Increasing crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gambling and Increasing crime - Research Paper Example Whether the idea that legalizing gambling will actually help to decrease the crime rate and if it is itself a good idea to do so. There are many sides to this argument and while some critics outright claim that crime is caused by gambling there are many others who will claim otherwise. Some hold that gambling does not cause crime but helps to better society. Gambling has been a part of society for a very long time and it can take many forms and shapes. There are various definitions of the idea which is more or less taken to mean the betting of money or other valuables on the outcome of a certain event. In 1566 England, for the first time, chartered a lottery and by 1620 there was regular gambling or wagering on dog races in England. However, in 1621 the first form of restrictions were placed on gambling and then in 1815 there were licenses handed over to the city of New Orleans for gambling and by 1827 John Davis had opened a fully functional Casino in the city that was to cater to the gambling needs of the rich and elite. The history of gambling continues but later on down the road corruption and crime began to mix with the sport and it became more of a problem for the governments of the world and there were moves to eradicate it. Yet some resisted and there was a change in strategy and it was thought to better legalize and hand out li censes to casinos rather than shelve gambling and force it to be taken up underground. Many states in America resisted this move and even in 1981 the New York legislature was not ready to authorize casinos to operate in the city (Thompson, xvii). The practice has also been on the rise not only in the United States but all over the world (Momper, Delva and Grogan-Kaylor, 7). Gambling itself is not taken to be a bad practice as many people do it. It is a particularly popular in Britain in the form of betting on race horses and even lotteries are a gamble of sorts

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Outsider - Oral Report Essay Example for Free

The Outsider Oral Report Essay Mersaults final and most significant revelation occurs at a point in his life where his execution is imminent. This revelation comes in the form of acceptance and understanding. At this point in the novel, he is thinking of his mother, experiencing the natural world around him, and coming to terms with his fate and resigns to it, as he has done during all other struggles he has had to face, trivial as they may have been by comparison. But this time rather than accepting it out of indifference, he accepts it by becoming a part of it. Whilst awaiting his execution, Meursault for the first time in a very long time thinks of his mother. Here, he comes to understand that no one at all had any right to cry over her, because she died at a point where she was ready to live her life again and Meursault feels the same. Rather than feeling unmoved by his mothers death and indeed her existence, he empathises and finds salvation in being able to relate his final days with hers. This shows how he has moved from being an outsider to feeling connected to his place in the system of humanity. Meursault is strongly affected by the natural world around him, but in the last few passages of the novel he finds union and peace with nature. Throughout the novel, Meursault is constantly being affected by the blinding heat of the sun, or the bitter salt of the ocean burning his lips. However, he chooses to react to it physically rather than experience it. When he describes the natural world outside during the last hours of his life, he finds it soothing and peaceful, rather than irritating. He is a part of it, he likes it and he feels it. This shows that he has embraced the natural world and become a part of another system of the universe, much the same as he relates to his mothers cycle of life. Rather than remaining emotionally disconnected and only physically hindered, he finds nature soothing and chooses to become a part of it. Meursaults final wish was for there to be a crowd of spectators at his execution and that they would greet him with cries of hatred. The fact that this thought makes him feel less lonely supports Meursaults strive to experience things honestly, without compromising his reason. He recognizes his role in society and feels comforted by being a part of it. He desires an honest reaction from the spectators in order to feel less alone, which shows the comfort he has found in accepting the truth of the final stage of his existence. The final few paragraphs of the novel show the final stage in Meursaults acceptance of everything around him, through which he finds a way of understanding and connecting with the cycle of life.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Treatment of Down Syndrome using Haloperidol

Treatment of Down Syndrome using Haloperidol CLINICAL RESEARCH FACILITY APPLICATION Q1 Details of Main Contact: Title Name: Haloperidol in Down Syndrome and Sivaram Kumar Sivalingam Pandiyarajan Q2 Study title Treatment of Down Syndrome using Haloperidol Q3 Please provide an abstract or brief synopsis of the proposed study (Max 250 words). Haloperidol is an antipsychotic drug which exhibits high affinity towards dopamine D2 receptor antagonism. It also shows a slow receptor dissociation kinetics which is similar to phenothiazines. The drug is used in the treatment of schizophrenia were polymorphisms in the dopamine receptor genes showed the presence of psychotic phenomena or aggressive behavior. Down syndrome (DS) increases the risk of Alzheimers disease (AD) by 15% for the people who live 40 years are long. Problems related to behavior are not a general issue as in other syndromes associated with intellectual disability. 30% of children with DS have a mental illness. Anxiety and depression in early adulthood may develop for the people with DS. Studies indicate that polymorphisms in dopamine receptor D1 (DRD1) and dopamine receptor D3 (DRD3) genes in late-onset AD exhibit symptoms of psychotic phenomena or aggressive behavior in people. Haloperidol suppresses the ionic imbalance by blocking the beta-amyloid-induced ele vation of calcium in Alzheimer cells which showed a significant decrease in calcium cells. Studies also indicate that the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in DS also showed the effects of executive function in children with DS about the dopamine receptor DRD4 gene linked to ADHD in people with DS. Hence, it is hypothesized that haloperidol can be used in the treatment of Down syndrome. Indicate your Word Count (Max 250 words). 215 Q4 Please outline what question(s) the study is designed to answer/primary measure of outcome (Max 150 words). The primary outcome of the study is to reduce the relapse of patients into psychosis due to down syndrome (DS). Reduction of relapse in DS due to psychotic breakdown which occurs similarly as in schizophrenia which indicates the activity of haloperidol in the prevention of diseases prognosis. During the study, details for questions such as the how the effect of haloperidol action on dopamine receptors reduce disease prognosis of DS, What is the mechanism of action of haloperidol in the treatment of DS?, Does haloperidol prevents the prognosis of DS by intervening the mechanism involved in Alzheimers disease (AD) or Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?, Etc. Indicate your Word Count (Max 150 words). 105 Q5 Indicate clearly how you will perform the study (include methods, materials, number of patients, demographics, statistics and all other matter that you consider important) (Max 1500 words). Haloperidol is an ethically approved drug which is already on the market and used for the treatment of schizophrenia, acute psychosis, Tourette syndrome, bipolar disorder, etc. Since haloperidol is ethically approved direct administration of the drug to the patients who have down syndrome (DS) can be performed, and observation study can be conducted. Human materials such as primary cell culture and organotrophic culture from a patient are required for the detailed understanding of the mechanism of action involved in the treatment of DS using Haloperidol. The mechanism of action should be compared with the Alzheimers disease (AD) and Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to analyze the effect on DS. Researchers have estimated that out of 1200 people one will suffer from DS in the United States this includes children, teens, and adults. Children with DS usually do not have mental retardation and a psychiatric disorder. 18% to 38% of children with DS currently have a possibili ty for the prevalence of the neurobehavioral and psychiatric disorder. During one of the research studies conducted regarding DS, determined that a pre-pubertal onset be found for children with DS presenting in the post-pubertal period which is the unique vulnerability period for specific psychiatric disorders. The Study Design is performed by randomized allocation where a parallel interventional model of drug assignment is proposed. The subject, investigator and outcome assessor are masked from the drug and placebo treatment using a double-blind method to achieve high efficiency and less interference. The primary purpose remained to be the treatment of the disease. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the participants for involving the study was neglected of age (18 to 64 years) and sex (Male, Female, and others) as a criterion. In the inclusion criteria, the patient should be primarily diagnosed with DS and should be hospitalized with Standard Trisomy 21, Translocation, and Mosaicism DS. The patient should have been diagnosed with the illness for at least one year and should have gone psychological evaluations. At the most, the patient should be able to drop off of any antipsychotic medication for a period. There are two phases in the study of Haloperidol on DS. The DS outpatients who meet criteria for inclusion and exclusion is allowed to enter the Phase 1. A flexible dose of Haloperidol 1-5mg is given to the patients for 20 weeks of open acute treatment phase 1. An oral dose of 1 mg of Haloperidol is given daily, where the dose is titrated until the optimal dose is reached with an increase of 1 mg per titration. The optimal dose is fixed based on the optimal trade-off between side effects and efficacy. Phase 1 looks for patients who meet the criteria for clinical response and another exit the protocol and are treated with alternative medications openly. The patients who responded well in phase 1 are taken into Phase 2, where the random assignment of placebo-controlled continuation trial takes place for 24 weeks. Based on the severity and presence of psychosis the randomization is stratified where half of the patients takes haloperidol, and other patients receive a placebo. The Patient s who relapse with psychosis during Phase B will exit the protocol and receive extensive treatment. To attain the statistical significance and to achieve a normal distribution the alpha value is set as 0.1 and small minimum sample size of 99 participants is required to pilot this study. Repeated measures ANOVA is to be conducted at three major time-points in the week 10, week 20 and baseline. This analytic strategy is to be used to measures the efficacy as well as side effects, global cognition, and activities of daily living. Indicate your Word Count (Max 1500 words). 603 Q6 Indicate clearly the need to work with human materials for this research in terms of ethical approvals (Max 200 words). Haloperidol is an ethically approved drug which is already on the market and used for the treatment of schizophrenia, acute psychosis, Tourette syndrome, bipolar disorder, etc. Researchers have estimated that out of 1200 people one will suffer from Down syndrome in the United States this includes children, teens, and adults. Hence, the need of drug for the treatment of down syndrome (DS) is raising. Since haloperidol is ethically approved direct administration of the drug to the patients who have DS can be performed, and observation study can be conducted. The study requires less attention of rules and guidelines for ethical issues. Since there is no proper animal model for DS and obtaining, culturing, and preservation of primary cell culture and organotrophic culture from patients with DS is tough. Hence the need for human clinical trials is necessary for testing the drug haloperidol for the treatment of DS. Indicate your Word Count (Max 200 words). 147

Friday, September 20, 2019

Global financial crisis impact on Egypt

Global financial crisis impact on Egypt The world economy is currently going through a serious financial disturbance that sparked off in the United States and has spread to Europe and the rest of the world. The crisis has already led to the collapse of powerful banks and firms as well as to recession in several countries, some consider such consequences as just the tip of the iceberg and that the worst is yet to come. This paper aims to study the current global financial crisis and its impact on Egypt. To do so, it first presents an overview of the causes and consequences of the current instability, followed by an assessment of the depth of the crisis and its implications on the Egyptian economy, the paper highlights the actions taken by the Egyptian government to cope with the effects of the crisis on the Egyptian economy. Outline Introduction Literature Review The Nature of The Financial Crisis The starting of the financial crisis Spreading of financial crisis Effect of The Crisis The effect on USA The effect on Europe The Effect on Asia The policies taken to overcome the financial crisis in different countries In USA In Europe In Asia The impact on the Egyptian economy When did the crisis started to effect the Egyptian economy and which sector started first Financial sector Balance of payment State budget The polices undertaken to overcome the financial crisis in Egypt Increase the government expenditure Decrease custom duties and tariffs Decrease taxes affecting investment Increase expenditure on public good Encourage Egyptian entrepreneurs Conclusion References Introduction: On the border of bankruptcy many giant investment banks and insurance companies around the globe are losing severely to the stock markets till there was no more liquid money available to finance business activities all due to the Financial Crisis, which is the most grave since the Great Depression in the 1930s. In 2008-2009, much of the industrialized world entered into a deep recession due to a financial crisis that had its origin in unprofessional lending practices involving the origination and distribution of mortgage debt in USA. Egypt was not far from this crisis, during the second half of 2008, the financial crises effects start to appear in the Egyptian economy in many fields. This global financial crisis led to slowdown the Egyptian economy due to the global economic recession; Economists expected a decline in the GDP growth rate during 2009, also trade will be affected badly. Due to the globalization; Egyptian stock market was affected by the decrease in price per share of the companies that participate in the Egyptian stock market, which affected the investors badly because of huge transactions of selling the shares by the foreign share holder The Egyptian economists expected a decrease GDP, which lead to problem in financing of some projects. Due to the balance of payment deficit, the Government initiated broadcast tranquility in the hearts of investors, to clarify the steps of successful growth within the economic reform program in previous years. All this factors lead to some expectations; first a sharp decrease in Egyptian exports, foreign investments, Suez Canal and Tourism revenues. The Egyptian government has taken some steps to face this crisis on the Egyptian economy, such as increasing the government expenditure by 15 billion LE, especially for financing new infrastructure projects. The Government also decreased the taxes and trade barriers to motivate local and foreign investors to invest in Egypt. But what are the causes of this crisis? And when did it really start? What actions taken to withstand this crisis? How is it going to affect developing countries? We will try to clarify these issues in a simplified manner, by concentrating on Egypt as a developing country. The global financial crisis Economists started to anticipate a vigorous financial crisis that would strike the American economy during Ronald Regan presidency, who could be known as one of the prophets and defenders of capitalism, in which he avoided using the methods proposed by the Keynesian school of thought, replacing them with Von Hayeks free market mechanism, by leaving everything to the market with minimum government intervention, and by saying everything we also include the banking sector, that had been imposed to intense forms of deregulation. (Foley, 2007) Regans regime could be considered as the early development of this financial bubble that is erupting right now, after George W. Bush has accelerated it by promising his voters that he will fulfill the American Dream of owning a house, so he gave credit unions, investment banks, and other financial institutions the absolute freedom to give out loans at high rates, these loans had various names such as credit default swaps and subprime mortgages. (Lendman) Subprime mortgages are new instruments in the financial sector that are manifested to make home ownership chances available to borrowers in the US, not following the traditional rules and regulations investment banks gave those subprime loans, that could also be known as Ninja loans, to borrowers that have; low incomes, no assets, no constant job, limited disposable incomes, and bad credit history. These subprime mortgages are not only considered risky because of the borrowers but also because they are set out on variable interest rates, which will make the monthly payments, paid by the borrowers to vary in monthly basis making it impossible for them to continue on paying their installments. (BLACKBURN) Financial institutions were giving the credit of these subprime mortgages assuming that property prices shall not stop appreciating in its value. Putting in mind that some borrowers could fail to pay, the banks believed that generally the market would be in its favor. As the prices of housing market started to cool down, leaving the banks with greatly undervalued assets, due to the rising rates of the money market. The banks that issued these subprime mortgages initially, did not actually record them on their balance sheets, instead they packaged them with prime mortgages and a spectrum of other assets, into a mortgage baked security MBS, to be traded in the market. The setback was that assets with dissimilar risk profiles were sold together and on the other hand received an AAA grading, making them appealing to global investors especially Europeans, causing the crisis to spread out internationally. (BLACKBURN) And when these subprime borrowers were no more able to repay their mortgages, the issuing institution needed to finance the foreclosure with their own money, bringing the asset back on the balance sheet. This left many banks in a financially unviable situation, in a rather short, unmanageable timeframe. And, the fact that nobody knew how much more of those MBS would return on their balance sheets, banks effectively stopped lending to each other, drying up liquidity substantially, both in the US and in Europe. (McGirr, 2008) The United States GDP decreased at an annual rate of approximately 6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009, versus activity in the year ago periods. The U.S. unemployment rate increased to 10.2% by October 2009, the highest rate since 1983 and roughly twice the pre crisis rate. The average hours per work week declined to 33, the lowest level since the government began collecting the data in 1964. (Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Corporate Profits) The European Union GDP decreased by 2.1% from the years 2007 to 2008, which in 2008 the GDP reached 0.9 %, the unemployment rate has increased from 7.2% to 8.5 % in the years from 2007 to 2009, the exports have increased from 1.33 trillion to 1.95 trillion dollars, and the imports have increased from 1.46 trillion to 1.69 trillion dollars, the inflation rate have increased from 1.8% to 3% from 2006 to 2008. (book) Asias GDP decreased by 0.9% from the years 2008 to 2009, which in 2008 the GDP reached 7.6%, the unemployment rate has increased from 7.4%to 7.7%in the years from 2008 to 2009, and the exports have decreased from 49% to 35% of the GDP from the year 2007 to 2008, the imports have decreased from 40 % to 29% of the GDP from the year 2007 to 2008, the inflation rate have increased from 6% to 7.9% from the year 2007 to 2008. (Economics and Statistics) Policy responses: in USA To stabilize the financial system, more regulations from the central bank and control on banks, banks Competition should be eliminated like decrease interest rates to increase investment, decrease taxes, to increase investment and productivity and Increase government spending to increase aggregate demand, to increase production, to decrease unemployment. The Federal Reserves decreased the fed funds rates after January 1st in 2008. (Late 2000s recession) President George bush proposed to the government to purchase up to $700 billion troubled mortgage-related assets from financial firms in hopes of improving confidence. The first half of the money was used to buy preferred stick in banks instead of troubled mortgage assets. (Late 2000s recession) In January 2009, the American recovery and reinvestments act of 2009 signed by president Obama to provide a stimulus to the U.S. economy in the wake of the economic downturn.(Late 2000s recession) The act includes federal tax cuts, expansion of unemployment benefits and domestic spending in education, healthcare and infrastructure. Also, tax cuts led to increase in investment and decrease in unemployment (expansionary fiscal policy).(Late 2000s recession) The Federal Reserves facilitated lending to banks by lowering the discount rate to increase liquidity in banks. (Late 2000s recession) Part of an effort to increase dollar liquidity around the world the fed coordinated with other central banks to land simultaneously financial institutions (banks) with it cannot lend directly.(Late 2000s recession) Asia-pacific policy responses On September 15th 2008, china cuts its interest rates for the first time since 2002 and Government spending plan to invest $586 billion in infrastructure and social welfare by the end of 2010. (Late 2000s recession) The increase in investment will be in housing, rural infrastructure, health and education, environment, industry, tax cuts. Therefore unemployment will decrease and economic growth will increase and GDP will increase ( as its exports to Europe and USA decrease) so china decrease its interest rates to increase investment , to increase aggregate demand (Late 2000s recession) Indonesia reduced its discounts rate at which commercial banks can borrow funds for the central bank, on the other hand the reserve bank of Australia injected $1.5 billion dollars into the banking system, meanwhile the reserve bank of India injected almost 1.3 billion, and bank of Japan pumped $29.3 billion in the financial system on the 16th of September 2008. (Late 2000s recession) European policy responses: From September, the European commission proposed a 200 billion Euros stimulus plan to be implemented at the European level by the countries and each country got its plan to increase money supply and liquidity. (Late 2000s recession) The impact of the global financial crisis on the Egyptian economy During the last two decades Egypt has implemented an economic reform program (ERSAP); this program targets to stabilize the Egyptian economy and achieving a high gross rate. The implementation of this program increased the gross rate to reach 5.9% in 1999/2000 compared to 1.9% in 1991/1992. (Ramadan, 2009) Effects of The reform have started to appear strongly during the last five years, where the unemployment rate falls from 11.2 % in 2004/2005 to 8.4 % in 2007/2008. Also the foreign direct investment recorded 13.2 billion dollar which represent 81% of the GDP during 2007/2008 compared to 400 million dollar in 2003/2004 which represent 0.5% of the GDP. Egypt succeeded in implementing the right policies to achieve its target where the GDP in Egypt achieved a high growth rates during the last period amounted to 6.8%, 7.1% and 7.2% during the years 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008. (Ramadan, 2009) But during the second half of 2008, the financial crises effects started to appear in the Egyptian economy in many fields. This global financial crisis led to slowdown the Egyptian economy due to the global economic recession; Economists expected a decline in the GDP growth rate during 2009 to reach 4%. Also trade will be affected badly since 75% of Egyptian GDP is from trade divided as follows; about 32% of our exports go to the United States and 32.5% of imports come from United States and the European Union. Economists also expected a sharp decrease in foreign investment, where the two thirds of foreign investment in Egypt during the past two years were from America and Europe. (Abouhbaishe, 2008) Ministry of Economic Development expects that the net losses resulting from the crisis will be more than 4 billion dollars during 2008/2009. While the most affected sectors will be the industrial sector. Due to the decrease in demand on the products, factories will reduce their production, which reduces the purchasing power of the per capita, leading to stagnation in the market. (Abouhbaishe, 2008) Egyptian budget will be affected negatively due to several reasons during 2009. First the oil balance will decrease by one billion dollars because the oil prices fell from $ 147 per barrel to 39.5 dollars per barrel, second reason is the sharp decrease in remittances from Egyptians abroad by $ 600 million and the third reason is the decline in tourism revenues by more than 2 billion dollars, which negatively affected all economic activities associated with tourism (Construction Furniture food industries etc). (Abouhbaishe, 2008) The impact of financial crisis on the Egyptian banking system is limited for several reasons; The integration of the Egyptian financial sector in the global financial system is still limited and the Egyptian banking system did not strongly integrated into the global system. Also the central bank adopted the Egyptian plan for reforming the banking system during the period 2004-2008, which encouraged mergers to create strong banking entities. The controls established by the central bank of Egypt for crediting and lending value to ensure liquidity. Also the Banks investments in securities and in mortgage finance were limited, by a percentage not exceeding 5% of the total loan portfolio of the bank. (Abouhbaishe, 2008) The Egyptian government has taken some steps to face this crisis on the Egyptian economy, such as increasing the government expenditure by 15 billion LE, especially for financing new infrastructure projects. The Government also decreased the taxes and trade barriers to motivate local and foreign investors to invest in Egypt. The central bank adopted some polices, which is strengthening of bank supervision, restructuring, and a cleanup of nonperforming loans to protect the financial system in Egypt. Although actions taken by the government to absorb the crises did not show any results, but this was the best way to take for a small developing country like Egypt. Finally Egypt still has some big economic problems that will continue to suffer from in the next several years. (Ramadan, 2009)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Custom Written Term Papers: The Role of Women in Othello

The Role of Women in Othello At the beginning of Othello two men stand and discuss the fate of a woman. One contested for her and lost and the other willingly admits to her beauty, charm and worth. Both men wish to bring down the man who has won her, Desdemona, and slander her name nonetheless. This man, their rival and superior is none other than Othello. Othello has managed to obtain something they could not; Desdemona. Throughout the play Desdemona is rarely viewed as a human being, she is merely a prize, and from the very beginning Desdemona is an object of lust. Emilia and Bianca are also mistreated in this way. The three women in the play; Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca contrast in class. Desdemona is born from a high-class Venetian family, Emilia is from a servant class and Bianca is a prostitute or "whore", a word that Desdemona refuses to use. Despite this they are all abused by men and are objects of men's sexuality, and they all suffer under the cruel hands of those whom they love. Each one is shown in relation to a particular man, (Othello, Iago and Cassio) and is contrasted with the other women, which reveal how the stereotypical version of womanhood impacts their lives, (in Desdemona and Emilia's case, their deaths). The three women's eventual destinies are interlinked with the plays central symbol: the handkerchief. Women are major characters in Shakespeare's plays.   In "Othello" women are ... ...e: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Neely, Carol. "Women and Men in Othello" Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Othello. Ed. Anthony G. Barthelemy Pub. Macmillan New York, NY 1994. (page 68-90) Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Wayne, Valerie. â€Å"Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello.† The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed Valerie Wayne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Anne Tylers classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Essay

Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant In Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, the reader experiences a variety of conflicts between parent and child, one of the most apparent being that between Pearl Tull and her eldest son, Cody. These two characters never seem to see eye to eye, as Pearl prefers to see only the negative aspects of her children. Cody never truly relates to Pearl and her manic ways. As the conflict unfolds between Pearl and Cody, the deeper meaning of the story is revealed; there is never a perfect family, but nonetheless, theirs is a family. As the first child, Cody is expected to excel and be the ideal son. He establishes a rebellious personality once his younger brother Ezra is born. Because of this brotherly competition, he and Pearl never really get along. Whether or not they even truly loved each other is an idea to be questioned. Pearl doesn't like the idea that Cody might, for once in his life, be better than Ezra. The reader sees this in chapter 2, when Pearl insists that Ezra try to shoot ... Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Essay Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant In Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, the reader experiences a variety of conflicts between parent and child, one of the most apparent being that between Pearl Tull and her eldest son, Cody. These two characters never seem to see eye to eye, as Pearl prefers to see only the negative aspects of her children. Cody never truly relates to Pearl and her manic ways. As the conflict unfolds between Pearl and Cody, the deeper meaning of the story is revealed; there is never a perfect family, but nonetheless, theirs is a family. As the first child, Cody is expected to excel and be the ideal son. He establishes a rebellious personality once his younger brother Ezra is born. Because of this brotherly competition, he and Pearl never really get along. Whether or not they even truly loved each other is an idea to be questioned. Pearl doesn't like the idea that Cody might, for once in his life, be better than Ezra. The reader sees this in chapter 2, when Pearl insists that Ezra try to shoot ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Non Communicable Diseases Essay

Health Promotion- Non Communicable Diseases Non communicable diseases are leading threat to health and development. â€Å"Non communicable diseases (NCD’s) outpace all other causes of morbidity and mortality each year, though most NCD’s have modifiable risk factors and are preventable† (WHO, 2012). Non communicable or chronic diseases are diseases of long duration and generally slow progression. NCD’s are leading causes of death worldwide and 80% of deaths occur in low and middle income countries. The four main types of NCD’s are cardiovascular diseases, for instance, heart attacks and strokes, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma and diabetes. Such diseases result from genetic or lifestyle factors. Most premature deaths from NCD’s are linked to common risk factors, namely tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol and poverty also contribute to rising rates of NCD’s. Vulnerable and socially di sadvantaged people in developing countries get sicker and die sooner as a result of NCD’s than people of higher socio-economic status. Non communicable diseases represent a major and growing socio-economic burden in developing world. This places undue strain on communities and health system. NCD’s require multi-stakeholders solution. Government is coming up with non communicable disease intervention to bring about radical changes that are needed in order to reduce prevalence rate of NCD’s. Communities have right to receive appropriate information on reducing the risk of NCD’s, so that they are empowered to take the right lifestyle choices. In this assignment, the factors that contribute to the increase incidence of non communicable disease are discussed. Health promotion strategy at the community nurse’s level is discussed with the significance of the use of these health promotion strategies.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nature vs nurture Essay

There has always been a big debate on nature verses nurture. It is a debate that is still going on today. Many psychologist and other professions still trying make an agreement for one or the other. I believe that is it both nature and nurture because it cannot be just one overpowering the other. I believe that both nature and nurture intertwine with one another for every human since birth. Psychologists such as Erickson believed that nature determines the sequence of the stages and it sets the limits within which nurture operates. But is this really true? To me it felt that Erickson believed it intertwined some but he was more on the nature side more. I don’t think nature determines it mainly because nurture could do the same thing. It depends on the situation. One of the psychologists that I agree with the most is Vygotsky. Vygotsky is a developmental psychologist. Most developmental psychologist believe that nature and nurture combine to influence development, biological fa ctor play a stronger role in some aspects of development, such as physical development, and environmental factors playing a stronger role in others, such as moral development. His theories are theories that seem to be more relatable and approachable than the other psychologist who are leaning more to nature or more to nurture. Vygotsky views on cognitive development was Intellectual development can only be understood in terms of a child’s historical and cultural context. Also, Development depends on the sign systems that individuals have available to them. Vygotsky assumed that adults could convey children through conversations how their culture interpret and respond to the world. He believed that every culture has transmitted physical and cognitive tools that are used in daily lives. He believed that thoughts and languages become more interdependent in the first five years of a child’s life. There are complex mental processes that begin as a social activity and child are able to transform the processes that they use in a social activity in their own internalization of activity. He believed that children can perform more challenging activities when they have someone there to help them who are more competent (Ormrod,2008). Around the same time Vygotsky was doing this making his own theories, there was another man who was from Russia as well named, Piaget, who had his own ideas. Piaget and Vygotsky were similar in some ways but they also had some differences. Piaget assumed that children are active and motivated learners. He feels that children are curious about  their surroundings. He assumed that children construct knowledge through experience. He believed that they gained this by the physical and social environment, which is critical for cognitive growth. Piaget had his own stages of cognitive development. The first one is sensorimotor, which occurs from birth until the toddler is two years of age. Sensorimotor is when they start forming objec t permanence and they have progress from reflexive to goal-oriented behavior. Second, the preoperational stage which is from age two to seven years old. This is when they develop the ability to use symbol to represent an object. Third, is concrete operational from ages seven to eleven years of age. They are thinking more logically in this stage. They are less egocentric. Lastly, it is formal operation which starts at eleven and goes to adulthood. They are able to think abstract and can solve problems through a system of experimenting (Ormrod, 2008). I believe what Piaget and Vygotsky had implanted because when I am talking to little kids, it is easier to talk to them to see how they see things. Having that open communication as an adult, I get a feeling on where they are coming from and try to go from there. They are things that the environment cannot teach a child. I feel there are things that are already innate in them while they were in the womb and after they came out. It is ver y hard to choose that one conquers the other because they play out equally. Weather it is nature or nurture, it is very important when it comes to human development. It is very clear that they play a big role in everyday life and it will continue to play a role until the day that we pass away. I am a firm believer that both nature and nurture plays a role in life. Everything that Piaget and Vygotsky said is very true. Even other psychologists that are more on the nature side or more on the nurture side, they all bring valid points. References Ormrod, J. E. (2008). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, 6th. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson. Merrill, Prentice-Hall. Slavin, R. (2003). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice and Practice, 7th. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Miller, P. (1983). Theories of Developmental Psychology. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company. Santrock, J.(1996). Child Development. Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark Publishers.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Superfund Recordkeeping

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, (CERCLA), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, (SARA), provides for the identification, investigation and cleanup of Superfund, hazardous waste sites. Under these Acts, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to recover its response costs from responsible parties after participating in the investigation, cleanup, oversight, enforcement and other required administrative provisions. State agencies which spend CERCLA funds must account for and document all response costs to permit recovery of these costs from responsible parties by EPA and the State. Funds may also be provided to the State by EPA under a grant system to undertake Superfund related response activities. State agencies which spend CERCLA grant funds must account for and document all State costs. This manual outlines procedures involved with the expenditure of funds by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for CERCLA activities. It sets forth financial management and recordkeeping requirements for Superfund sites and for CERCLA related activities covered by EPA grants. Many of the principles and procedures covered by this manual serve as guidance for non-CERCLA sites, as well, which have the potential for future cost recovery actions. This manual will continue to be updated as new procedures are developed. Documentation procedures involve complex financial management and recordkeeping policies that must be followed to assure cost recovery. These policies are based on regulations and guidance, in part, set forth in: – Code of Federal Regulations, (CFR), Title 40, Part 31, Part 33 and Part 35, Subpart â€Å"O†. – â€Å"State Superfund Financial Management and Recordkeeping Guidance†, 1987, EPA. – OMB Circular No. A-87, † Cost Principles for State and Local Governments†. – Code of Maryland Regulations, (COMAR), Title 21. Key features of the Superfund financial management and recordkeeping policies which are set forth in detail herein in Section D, include: – Documentation of all expenses involved with response or grant-specified activities. – Recovery of â€Å"reasonable and necessary† costs only. – Identification of financial documents, and all other cost related records or agreements which may serve as the basis for determining or authorizing response costs, with the phrase – â€Å"SUPERFUND – DO NOT DESTROY†. – Maintaining timesheets and other financial document originals without alteration after approvals. – Maintenance of a unique file or set of files, either containing hard copies, or electronic images shall be maintained for each Superfund site which shall be identified by a project cost account (PCA) code to permit timely access to site records. Record categories within these files shall be organized in a consistent manner. – Maintenance of additional files, containing backup documentation which provide background and serve as a basis or authorization for costs, should also be maintained. These general files may contain information that is not necessarily site-specific. – Retain original documents for each site, OU or activity. – Electronic records may be acceptable for cost recovery if approved by EPA or Attorney General's office. – Submitting cost documentation, in response to requests from attorneys or EPA only after, expense related records are reconciled with the cost summary. – Retention of records stamped with the phrase – â€Å"SUPERFUND – DO NOT DESTROY† for at least 10 years following submission of the final Financial Status Report, (FSR), unless otherwise directed by EPA. Records are to be retained longer than 10 years if litigation, claim, cost recovery or other associated action takes place before the end of the 10-year period. – EPA must approve destruction of documents that were required to be saved. Establish Superfund and EPA grant financial management and recordkeeping procedures which: – enable the State to meet legal responsibilities and EPA audit requirements; – document expense related records in a legally acceptable manner; – facilitate accountability and cost recovery; and – provide timely access to site, operable unit and activity related expense information. 1. ERRP – (Environmental, Restoration and Redevelopment Program) ERRP conducts and oversees CERCLA response activities within the Waste Management Administration, (WAS). Its areas of responsibilities cover: – Pre-remedial, remedial, removal and operation & maintenance phases. – Response activities which include, but are not limited to, investigations, review and comment on reports, oversight and implementation of response actions, and enforcement actions, and CERCLA activities may be funded under EPA grants/ Cooperative Agreements (CAs). The terms of these grants are negotiated between EPA and the State. The State also uses its own funds in engaging in response activities. Trained staff conduct technical activities associated with investigation, assessment and cleanup, including related activities such as training, travel, and Program development and the like. These employees shall submit timesheets for further processing and record keeping. Time devoted to various response activities is distributed to a number of unique PCA codes within the timesheets, thereby permitting assignment of costs to appropriate sites, OUs and activities. In addition, the technical staff may initiate requisitions such as purchase and travel requests and other financial documents associated with response activities. PCA codes are also used to assign costs for these and other activities as well. Clerical and administrative staff may assist the technical staff in fiscal, timekeeping, purchase requisitions, travel vouchers and record keeping matters. This staff also serves as liaison with other divisions in processing time accountability documents and other requisitions. The Program Administrator of ERRP manages ERRP Program and technical activities and approves all ERRP requisitions. Originators of requisitions must justify the necessity of items requested before approval and must satisfy terms of the grants. Approval, or sign off, by the Program Administrator may be via electronic signature where the Advanced Purchasing Inventory Control System (ADPICS), or a similar system, is used with the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) to process the requisition. FMIS is the computerized statewide accounting system which tracks costs by site, OU and activity, and by grant level.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Deception Point Page 6

As the PaveHawk settled onto the runway beside the President's plane, Rachel now understood the references to Air Force One being the commander-in-chief's â€Å"portable home court advantage.† The machine was an intimidating sight. When the President flew to other countries to meet heads of state, he often requested – for security purposes – that the meeting take place on the runway aboard his jet. Although some of the motives were security, certainly another incentive was to gain a negotiating edge through raw intimidation. A visit to Air Force One was far more intimidating than any trip to the White House. The six-foot-high letters along the fuselage trumpeted â€Å"UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.† A female English cabinet member had once accused President Nixon of â€Å"waving his manhood in her face† when he asked her to join him aboard Air Force One. Later the crew jokingly nicknamed the plane â€Å"Big Dick.† â€Å"Ms. Sexton?† A blazer-clad Secret Serviceman materialized outside the chopper and opened the door for her. â€Å"The President is waiting for you.† Rachel got out of the chopper and gazed up the steep gangway at the bulging hull. Into the flying phallus. She had once heard the flying â€Å"Oval Office† had over four thousand square feet of interior floor space, including four separate private sleeping quarters, berths for a twenty-six-member flight crew, and two galleys capable of providing food for fifty people. Climbing the stairway, Rachel felt the Secret Serviceman on her heels, urging her upward. High above, the cabin door stood open like a tiny puncture wound on the side of a gargantuan silver whale. She moved toward the darkened entryway and felt her confidence starting to ebb. Easy, Rachel. It's just a plane. On the landing, the Secret Serviceman politely took her arm and guided her into a surprisingly narrow corridor. They turned right, walked a short distance, and emerged into a luxurious and spacious cabin. Rachel immediately recognized it from photographs. â€Å"Wait here,† the serviceman said, and he disappeared. Rachel stood alone in Air Force One's famous wood-paneled fore cabin. This was the room used for meetings, entertaining dignitaries, and, apparently, for scaring the hell out of first-time passengers. The room spanned the entire width of the plane, as did its thick tan carpeting. The furnishings were impeccable – cordovan leather armchairs around a bird's-eye maple meeting table, burnished brass floor lamps beside a continental sofa, and hand-etched crystal glassware on a mahogany wet bar. Supposedly, Boeing designers had carefully laid out this fore cabin to provide passengers with â€Å"a sense of order mixed with tranquility.† Tranquility, however, was the last thing Rachel Sexton was feeling at the moment. The only thing she could think of was the number of world leaders who had sat in this very room and made decisions that shaped the world. Everything about this room said power, from the faint aroma of fine pipe tobacco to the ubiquitous presidential seal. The eagle clasping the arrows and olive branches was embroidered on throw pillows, carved into the ice bucket, and even printed on the cork coasters on the bar. Rachel picked up a coaster and examined it. â€Å"Stealing souvenirs already?† a deep voice asked behind her. Startled, Rachel wheeled, dropping the coaster on the floor. She knelt awkwardly to retrieve it. As she grasped the coaster, she turned to see the President of the United States gazing down at her with an amused grin. â€Å"I'm not royalty, Ms. Sexton. There's really no need to kneel.† 7 Senator Sedgewick Sexton savored the privacy of his Lincoln stretch limousine as it snaked through Washington's morning traffic toward his office. Across from him, Gabrielle Ashe, his twenty-four-year-old personal assistant, read him his daily schedule. Sexton was barely listening. I love Washington, he thought, admiring the assistant's perfect shape beneath her cashmere sweater. Power is the greatest aphrodisiac of all†¦ and it brings women like this to D.C. in droves. Gabrielle was a New York Ivy Leaguer with dreams of being a senator herself one day. She'll make it too, Sexton thought. She was incredible-looking and sharp as a whip. Above all, she understood the rules of the game. Gabrielle Ashe was black, but her tawny coloring was more of a deep cinnamon or mahogany, the kind of comfortable in-between that Sexton knew bleeding heart â€Å"whites† could endorse without feeling like they were giving away the farm. Sexton described Gabrielle to his cronies as Halle Berry's looks with Hillary Clinton's brains and ambition, although sometimes he thought even that was an understatement. Gabrielle had been a tremendous asset to his campaign since he'd promoted her to his personal campaign assistant three months ago. And to top it all off, she was working for free. Her compensation for a sixteen-hour workday was learning the ropes in the trenches with a seasoned politician. Of course, Sexton gloated, I've persuaded her to do a bit more than just work. After promoting Gabrielle, Sexton had invited her to a late night â€Å"orientation session† in his private office. As expected, his young assistant arrived starstruck and eager to please. With a slow-moving patience mastered over decades, Sexton worked his magic†¦ building up Gabrielle's trust, carefully stripping away her inhibitions, exhibiting tantalizing control, and finally seducing her right there in his office. Sexton had little doubt the encounter had been one of the most sexually gratifying experiences of the young woman's life, and yet, in the light of the day, Gabrielle clearly regretted the indiscretion. Embarrassed, she offered to resign. Sexton refused. Gabrielle stayed on, but she made her intentions very clear. The relationship had been strictly business ever since. Gabrielle's pouty lips were still moving. â€Å"†¦ don't want you to be lackadaisical going into this CNN debate this afternoon. We still don't know who the White House is sending as opposition. You'll want to peruse these notes I typed.† She handed him a folder. Sexton took the folder, savoring the scent of her perfume mixed with the plush leather seats. â€Å"You aren't listening,† she said. â€Å"Certainly am.† He grinned. â€Å"Forget about this CNN debate. Worst case scenario, the White House snubs me by sending some low-level campaign intern. Best case scenario, they send a bigwig, and I eat him for lunch.† Gabrielle frowned. â€Å"Fine. I've included a list of the most probable hostile topics in your notes.† â€Å"The usual suspects no doubt.† â€Å"With one new entry. I think you might face some hostile backlash from the gay community for your comments last night on Larry King.† Sexton shrugged, barely listening. â€Å"Right. The same-sex marriage thing.† Gabrielle gave him a disapproving look. â€Å"You did come out against it pretty strongly.† Same-sex marriages, Sexton thought in disgust. If it were up to me, the faggots wouldn't even have the right to vote. â€Å"Okay, I'll turn it down a notch.† â€Å"Good. You've been pushing the envelope a bit on some of these hot topics lately. Don't get cocky. The public can turn in an instant. You're gaining now, and you have momentum. Just ride it out. There's no need to hit the ball out of the park today. Just keep it in play.† â€Å"Any news from the White House?† Gabrielle looked pleasantly baffled. â€Å"Continued silence. It's official; your opponent has become the ‘Invisible Man.'† Sexton could barely believe his good fortune lately. For months, the President had been working hard on the campaign trail. Then suddenly, a week ago, he had locked himself in the Oval Office, and nobody had seen or heard from him since. It was as if the President simply could not face Sexton's groundswell of voter support.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How Tobacco Companies Targeting Teens Research Paper

How Tobacco Companies Targeting Teens - Research Paper Example Almost thirty six percent of smokers are foreseen of dying due to smoking. This will result in losing two decades of dynamic life. Many big tobacco corporations are spending almost $10.5 billion every year as a way of promoting their brands and a large percentage of their efforts in marketing reach the teenagers directly. Reports issued showed that a fifty-two percent increase on market spending by the tobacco industry was viewed in 1998-2008 (Pampel, 11). According to the report, the expenditures in marketing reduced from â€Å"$12.5 billion to $9.9 billion in 2006-2008† (Pampel, 12). Marketing on the tobacco that is smokeless has increased from 2005. Various documents in the tobacco industry, exposed in the lawsuits of tobacco, reveal that the company’s manufacturing tobacco products have identified teenagers as their main market, conducted the habits used by the teenagers in smoking and created products or brands and developed marketing strategies aimed at the teenag ers. I would like to start by explaining that large populations of teens in the United States prefer using camel, Newport and Marlboro brands of tobacco. These companies aim the teenagers by using images. The teenagers think that these marketing strategies used will make them be sexy, cool, rugged or allured. These companies manufacturing tobacco products use the images and associate the images with smoking. The teenagers are on the other hand convinced that smoking will make them be popular, seem as mature people, considered as cool people or fit in a certain category of people (Pampel, 13). Tobacco companies have continued to market their products to vulnerable underage groups despite claims that their advertisements no longer target kids intentionally. It is argued that the younger generation is targeted mostly as they form future customers (Warner. 1211-1213). These companies knowingly place advertisements on popular magazines with an aim of reaching as many young people

Thursday, September 12, 2019

30, 60, 90 Day Branch Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

30, 60, 90 Day Branch Plan - Essay Example The plan will be demarcated into distinct categories so as to accommodate the several sections of the comprehensive plan in initiating the processes that will symbolize the development and expansion of the branch and its activities. The new branch will not involve several officials on the grounds that being a novel venture it has been considered unfit to have several positions that may not only be costly for the corporation but also unnecessary. As a result, the composition will be a Branch Manager, approximately 2-3 Personal Banking Advisers and possibly 1 customer service adviser. The branch manager will play overall duties in the branch including the supervision of the other officials who will directly report to him. The minimum number of positions created will make it simple for the operations of the branch to begin pending further expansion of the branch as situations necessitate. The branch will be based on the University site where all products will be sold. The education inst itution will be the major centre for the branch as the target market along with core operations of the branch will be based on the university premises. Accordingly, focus will be on personal customers from the student and staff population implying that the market for the branch’s services and products will directly emanate from the university; both staff and student. A brand new branch would operate basing on the location whereby the university will provide the required market and focus for the business. The daily function of a branch manager will be to oversee the basic operations of the new branch including supervision of the staff, coordination of activities as well as interaction with the staff. The initial 30 day plan to implement growing business, staffing and development will be based on two primary parameters namely, product introduction and marketing through which the branch will engage in a process of making itself known to the potential clients. Under this program, the branch will develop a comprehensive product introduction scheme that will attract the clients most of whom will be drawn from the staff and students of the university to develop interests and demand in the products offered (Nieman & Pretorius, 2007, 24). Such a process will be inherently involving since the products must be relevant to needs and requirements as well as tastes of the potential clients. As a result, prior to the product development and introduction procedure, the branch will research and analyse the potential clients and their requirements. This will inform both the marketing and product introduction processes that will be of core importance in the initial thirty days of the implementation of the plan. Subsequently, marketing will be of prime importance in the initial phases of the implementation of the plan. Through marketing, the branch will seek to establish a niche in the wide mart by focusing on the target market that constitutes the staff and students of th e university. Through the marketing endeavour, the branch will attempt to popularize itself along with its activities, services and products to the potential customers (Ericson, 2007, 74). This will be an important step towards initializing the implementation of the entire plan. The subsequent step in the plan to implement growing business, staffing and development will involve staffing and development which constitute a crucial stage in the entire plan. Staffing will take pre-eminence owing to the fact that any commercial entity operates through its staff and the human resources of any entity determine its entire operation and stature. As a new venture, the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Learning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Learning and Development - Essay Example The primary concern of the business is the human resource pool and as a store manager, Douglas Forbes should confront the business concerns and provide solutions. Problems of poor human resource pool of Fair Price Stores can be linked to the process of selection and hiring of its employees. If proper screening has been undertaken for the recruitment process, the human resource pool of the company should not have been a problem. To address the issue of poor level of supervisory skills, everything should start in the process where employees are being selected. The people are the most important asset of the business and effective human resource management can help establish an important strategic tool and sustainable competitive advantage for the company. As Douglas Forbes, I will be tackling the issues in a systematic manner. A human resource management process should deal with the problem of incompetency. Activities should be laid out for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance. Human resource planning should be given priority for a manager to ensure that the right number and kinds of people are in the right places at the right time that is capable of effectively and efficiently perform assigned tasks. It is evident that the current human resource inventory of the company lacks the essential qualities to help the business succeed. As a manager, a clear delineation of jobs should be done to help the employees understand their functions. The job description for each employee should be discussed to them for them to know the requirements of the job assigned to them, how it is done and the reason why it is done. It will guide the employee on their performance of their jobs. A job specification should be stated during the hiring process to provide information on the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job

Measures by which the programme for the construction of the structure Essay

Measures by which the programme for the construction of the structure could be reduced - Essay Example It also emits Carbon Dioxide which is a major air pollutant and a determining factor to global warming. The main obstacles faced by the construction industry, thus, are to convey buildings that are economic in sustaining the life quality. This goes hand in hand with time reduction on the effect of the environmental, economic, social drains that affects us in one way or another. The main focus of this document is to elaborate on the obligations, benefits and background to sustainable building construction. Ways of meeting these obligations are provided at the end. The first crucial step is to seek permission from the local authority in form of an application for change of user. This will need the approval of the local authority’s plans for the area. (IEEE, 2005).That is, whether the area is official recognized as an industrial area only or a residential area. Depending on the prevailing by-laws, the approval may be issued or not. Afterwards, we can proceed to the preliminary design of the office. That is, the floor layout of the offices required among other things. These specifications will be tailored to the client in Hong Kong. A detailed assessment of the existing building will be done to check integrity of the current building, the kind of foundation, parts of the building that are intact or need re-designing to fit in the preliminary design. This will be done with assistance of the current building’s construction team, the building inspection unit from the local authority and the proprietors of the new building. We may need to consider all renovations done previously and any recommendations from the local authority inspection unit. After the detailed assessment is performed, a provisional design is done incorporating the findings in the earlier conducted detailed assessment. The design is presented to the client for his approval and finally forwarding to the local

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

(Context) large international contracting company from a country where Essay

(Context) large international contracting company from a country where there was little or no recession trying to enter the European market - Essay Example Their objective is to tap into UK’s know-how in the industry so as to improve on their competitiveness. This follows its reputation for technology in construction services, including technological advancement, such as the Building Information Modelling, BIM and architectural endowment (BIS 2013). Further to this, the number of graduates in the construction industry keeps growing, an indication of greater opportunities for growth in the future. However, the UK still grapples with trade deficit in the construction industry. BIS (2013) observe that in 2012, it had a trade deficit amounting to about  £6.2 billion. It has been noted that a small portion of UK construction contractors are exporters as compared to the other sectors of the economy. Specifically, the 2012 statistics show that only about 6% of construction SMEs engaged in export trade. It was observed that a majority of these constructors lacked the knowledge of exports in construction, thus the trade deficit. Moreover, UK contractors still face the challenge of having to deal with financial institutions which still perceive the construction industry as risky. This hinders them from accessing the requisite financial services. Therefore, the UK is well placed to benefit from the myriad opportunities it has in the construction industry but has to input greater effort to curb its challenges. Department for Business and Innovation Skills 2013, UK construction: an economic analysis of the sector, viewed 22 March 204,