Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Learning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Learning and Development - Essay Example The primary concern of the business is the human resource pool and as a store manager, Douglas Forbes should confront the business concerns and provide solutions. Problems of poor human resource pool of Fair Price Stores can be linked to the process of selection and hiring of its employees. If proper screening has been undertaken for the recruitment process, the human resource pool of the company should not have been a problem. To address the issue of poor level of supervisory skills, everything should start in the process where employees are being selected. The people are the most important asset of the business and effective human resource management can help establish an important strategic tool and sustainable competitive advantage for the company. As Douglas Forbes, I will be tackling the issues in a systematic manner. A human resource management process should deal with the problem of incompetency. Activities should be laid out for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance. Human resource planning should be given priority for a manager to ensure that the right number and kinds of people are in the right places at the right time that is capable of effectively and efficiently perform assigned tasks. It is evident that the current human resource inventory of the company lacks the essential qualities to help the business succeed. As a manager, a clear delineation of jobs should be done to help the employees understand their functions. The job description for each employee should be discussed to them for them to know the requirements of the job assigned to them, how it is done and the reason why it is done. It will guide the employee on their performance of their jobs. A job specification should be stated during the hiring process to provide information on the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job

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